
In December I made two very brave or foolhardy commitments.

  1. to swim the 5k swimathon
  2. to swim 2 miles in the Great North Swim

Whilst this will be a challenge, preparation will be key. There will be training and wetsuits to discover, as I think more than the shortie wetsuit I bought for a dip in the local lake will be required. I normally wear the wrong swimming costume, so I suppose I could wear that if I can’t find another that fits.

Wish me luck 🙂

So, why?

My childhood coach’s unrealised dream was to take us, as a squad, to swim the Channel as a team. That was a long time ago, when we all swam a couple of miles before breakfast every day and were probably far too young to make the crossing. Nevertheless, it left me curious about swimming outside the confines and safety of a pool. So, perhaps it’s to feel young again, to recapture childhood, to feel weightless, move without friction, to fly without wings. Now there are so many organised outdoor swims, the question has now become not so much “why”, as “why not?”

So, why not, join me, jump in


2 thoughts on “About

  1. I did the 2 mile swim in the Great North Swim last year (2013), and it was great–a beautiful swim and a well-run event. If I didn’t live so far away, I would go back again this year. Best of luck in your training!

    • That’s impressive, I had no idea people came from the other side of the world to take part. I’m looking forward to the whole event as I love the Lake District. It’s a shame you won’t be there this year, but Good Luck with your 10 mile swim in July.

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